Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Art and Soul - Installation at group show

This work was produced for the 'Art and Soul' exhibition, held 17 October 2009 at the Victoria Conservatory of Music. I have called this type of work Photo-Poetics as I have combined my poetry with photographs I have taken.

'Art and Soul' was part of Homelessness Action Week in Vcitoria, BC, billed as "a special evening featuring the art and music of people who have experience homelessness."

Saturday, October 03, 2009



Cicle sobre sostenibilitat."Els 4 elements: El foc"Fum. Flames. Explosió de colors. Cendres...L'ésser humà pot utilitzar-ho per a treballar, alimentar-se, viatjar...a través de la mirada dels artistes ens aproparem a aquesta capacitat de transmetre sensacionsque ens aporta el foc com element versàtil i metafòric de la nostra realitat.Continuant amb el cicle presentem el foc com a segon element. Reflexió sobre la seva vital importància. Font de vida i destrucció, alhora, ens adonarem que no només n'hem de tenir cura perquè el necessitem en la nostre vida quotidiana, sinó perquè el foc ha estat sempre un element entorn al qual explicar contes, llegendes, reflexionar i transmetre coneixement popular. Recuperarem, per tant en aquest cicle el foc com a font de colors, emocions i sentiments.

THE COLOR OF FIRE - COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION OF DAVIS MUSEUM series on sustainability. 'The 4 Elements: The foc'Fum. Flames. Explosion of colors. Ash ... Human beings can use it to work, eat, travel ... through the eyes of the artists we approach this capability to transmit sensacionsque gives us the fire as an element of the versatile and metaphorical realitat.Continuant cycle with our present fire as the second item. Reflection on its vital importance. Source of life and destruction, while we realize that not only have we should be careful because the need in our daily life, but because the fire has always been an element around which tell tales, legends, folk reflect and transmit knowledge . Recover, so in this cycle as a source of fire colors, emotions and feelings.

Debora Alanna

Phyllis Alter
Sonia Burel

Edward Lightner

Davis Lisboa

Centre Cívic Parc-SandaruC/ Buenaventura Muñoz, 21, 08018, BarcelonaDel 7
al 22 d’octubre de 2009
Inauguració: Dimecres, 7 d’octubre, a les 20:00 hs

Centre Cívic Parc-Sandaru

TASCA Projectes d´animació sociocultural

Davis Lisboa

Davis Museum

Ajuntament de Barcelona